Rec. ITU-T X.609.10 (09/2020) Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for data streaming
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
7 Procedures and components
     7.1 Procedures for data streaming services over MP2P communications network
          7.1.1 Initiation phase
          7.1.2 Distribution phase
          7.1.3 Termination phase
     7.2 Roles of MP2P components for data streaming
          7.2.1 Peer
          7.2.2 Cache server (CS)
          7.2.3 Index server (IXS)
          7.2.4 Overlay management server (OMS)
          7.2.5 Peer activity management server (PAMS)
          7.2.6 User profile management server (UNIS)
8 Signalling requirements of each reference point
     8.1 Signalling requirements of reference point R1 (PAMS-OMS)
     8.2 Signalling requirements of reference point R2 (PAMS-Peer)
     8.3 Signalling requirements of reference point R3 (OMS-UNIS)
     8.4 Signalling requirements of reference point R4 (UNIS-Peer)
     8.5 Signalling requirements of reference point R5 (Peer-OMS)
     8.6 Signalling requirements of reference point R6 (Peer-IXS)
     8.7 Signalling requirements of reference point R7 (OMS-UMS)
     8.8 Signalling requirements of reference point R8 (OMS-CS)
     8.9 Signalling requirements of reference point R10 (Peer-Peer)
     8.10 Signalling requirements of reference point R11 (Source-Peer)
     8.11 Signalling requirements of reference point R12 (Data source-CS)
     8.12 Signalling requirements of reference point R13 (UMS-Peer)