�1���� Procedures for the exchange of PAD
control information and user data
������� 1.3���� Call user data
������� 1.4���� User sequences
������� 1.5���� PAD messages
User data transfer
���Procedures for the use of PAD messages
������� 3.1���� Procedures for reading, setting, and reading and setting of
PAD parameters
������� 3.2���� Procedures for inviting the PAD to clear
������� 3.3���� Interrupt and discard procedures
������� 3.4���� Procedure for resets
������� 3.5���� Error handling procedures by the PAD
������� 3.6���� Procedures for inviting the PAD to reselect the called DTE
������� 3.7���� Procedures for support of MAP
������� 4.1���� Introduction
������� 4.2���� Call user data format (see Figure 1)
������� 4.3���� User sequence format
������� 4.4���� Control message format
Annex A � Characteristics of virtual calls and Recommendation X.25 as related
to the PAD representation of a start-stop mode DTE to a packet mode DTE
������� A.1���� General interface characteristics
������� A.2���� Interface procedures for virtual call control
������� A.3���� Interface procedures for data transfer
������� A.4���� Virtual call characteristics