�2���� References�
�3���� Abbreviations���
�4���� Generic performance model���������
������� 4.1���� Components of an end-to-end
������� 4.2���� Frame transfer reference events������
������� 4.3���� Frame transfer outcomes����
�5���� Frame transfer performance
������� 5.1���� User information frame transfer
������ 5.2 �����User information frame delay
������� 5.3���� User information frame loss ratio����
������� 5.4���� Residual frame error ratio���
������� 5.5���� Extra frame rate�����
������� 5.6���� Frame-based conformant traffic
distortion ratio�������
������� 5.7���� Frame flow-related parameters������
Annex A � Conformance test for performance
������� A.1���� Motivation
������� A.2���� Limited standardized use���
������� A.3���� DDB definition������
������� A.4���� Using the DDB in evaluating FCTDR���������
Annex B � Bit-based
accuracy and dependability parameters����
������� B.1���� User information bit loss ratio��������
������� B.2���� Residual bit error ratio�������
Annex C � Some relations
between frame-level and ATM-level performance parameters����
������� C.1���� Scope����
������� C.2���� Motivation for relating
frame-level and ATM-level and performance parameters�����
������� C.3���� Frame relay parameters considered�����������
������� C.4���� Relation between FR and ATM user
information loss parameters���
I � Congestion notification����
������� I.1���� �� The effects of FECN, BECN and CLLM on performance
������� I.2���� �� Controlling the effects on performance������
Appendix II �
Performance effects of excessive demand for connection resources����
������ II.1���� Unanticipated simultaneous access
line bursting�������
������ II.2���� Full utilization of
over-subscribed access lines���������
Appendix III � A
method for estimating the FLR: FLR extraction����
��� ��III.1���� FLR extraction methodology limitations������
����� III.2���� FLR extraction methodology����������