Table of Contents

�1���� Scope������������
�2���� References���
�3���� Definitions���
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms��
�5���� Conventions
�6���� Characteristics of general network topologies and routing protocols on security considerations for wireless sensor networks (WSN)����
������� 6.1���� General features of routing in the configuration of network topology��
������� 6.2���� General network topologies in the WSN������
������ �6.3���� Characteristics of routing protocols in WSN���������������
�7���� Requirements for secure routing�������������
������� 7.1���� Requirements for sensor and base station��
������� 7.2���� Security requirements for the neighbour discovery procedure
������� 7.3���� Security requirements for routing set-up and packet delivery�
������� 7.4���� Security dimensions and requirements for secure routing��������
Appendix I � Overview of wireless sensor routing protocols����
������� I.1���� ������������� Examples of existing routing protocols����������