�2���� References�
�3���� Terms and definitions�������
������� 3.1���� Public-key and attribute certificate framework
������� 3.2���� OSI Reference Model security architecture
������� 3.3���� Guidelines for the use and management of
trusted third party services definitions������
������� 3.4���� Service features and operational provisions in IMT-2000
������� 3.5���� Additional definitions����������
�4���� Abbreviations���
�5���� Categories
to which PKI technologies belong�������
�6���� Models of
secure mobile systems based on PKI���
������� 6.1���� General model of secure mobile systems based on
������� 6.2���� Gateway model of secure mobile systems based on
�7���� PKI
operations for mobile end-to-end data communication�����������
������� 7.1���� PKI operations related to the life cycle of the certificate������
�8���� The usage model in telecommunication
������� 8.1���� Functions to be realized in the over-the-session-layer usage model��
������� 8.2���� Usage model on the application level����������
�9���� System
configuration examples�����
������� 9.1���� Configuration examples of a certificate management system�
������� 9.2���� An example of an authentication model based on the certificate�������
10���� Considerations of PKI for mobile end-to-end
data communication�����������
������ 10.1���� Considerations of interoperability with an existing
������ 10.2���� Considerations for the use of PKI in the mobile environment����������
10.3���� Considerations concerning the PKI in general��������
Appendix I � Examples
of service models����
������� I.1���� �����Certificate
management service models����