�2��� �References�
�3��� �Definitions��
������ �3.1��� �OSI reference model
security architecture definitions����������
������ �3.2��� �Public-key and
attribute certificate frameworks definitions���
������ �3.3��� �Framework of security
technologies for home network definitions���
�4��� �Abbreviations and acronyms��������
�5��� �Conventions�����
�6��� �Framework for home network
device certification
�7��� �Certificate profile for the home network device�����
������ �7.1��� �Basic certificate
������ �7.2��� �Extensions�
������ �7.3��� �Security
�8��� �Certificate management for device certificate in the home network�
������ �8.1��� �Procedures for device
certificate issuance���
������ �8.2��� �Procedure for device
certificate revocation�
������ �8.3��� �Procedure for device
certificate validation���
�9��� �Use cases for the device
10��� �Message format for certificate management���������
Appendix I � Examples
of the home device certificate profile��� �
������ �I.1��� ��� CA certificate
profile (self-signed certificate)���������
������ �I.2��� ��� Home device certificate profile�����
Bibliography��� �