Rec. ITU-T X.1061 (08/2021) Cyber insurance acquisition guidelines
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
7 Cyber insurance considerations
     7.1 Identify the cyber risks
     7.2 Understand the policy coverage
     7.3 Consult cyber insurance expert
     7.4 Understand the claim process
     7.5 Understand other insurance benefits
8 Cybersecurity risk assessments
9 Cyber insurance policy
10 Cyber insurance policy coverage
     10.1 First party loss coverage
          10.1.1 Business interruption
          10.1.2 Incident response
          10.1.3 Data restoration
          10.1.4 Legal
          10.1.5 Cyber extortion
     10.2 Third party liability coverage
          10.2.1 Privacy liability
          10.2.2 Network security liability
          10.2.3 Media liability
          10.2.4 Regulatory investigation expenses (including fines and penalties to the extent that is insurable by law)
     10.3 Limit of liability
     10.4 Cyber insurance excess
     10.5 Policy exclusion
          10.5.1 War, invasion and insurrection
          10.5.2 Patent, software and copyright infringement
          10.5.3 Bodily injury and property damage
          10.5.4 Infrastructure
          10.5.5 Misdeed
          10.5.6 Criminal action
          10.5.7 Natural disaster and force majeure
11 Silent cyber coverage
12 Selection of insurer
13 Assessment by the insurer
14 Evaluation of insurer
     14.1 Insurance coverage
     14.2 Exclusion
     14.3 Excess or waiting period
     14.4 Premium
     14.5 Claim information
15 Renewal and termination
Appendix I  Types of cost of first party loss
     I.1 Extortion payment costs
     I.2 Customer protection costs
     I.3 External entity payment costs
     I.4 Customer notification costs
     I.5 Specialist expertise costs
     I.6 Incident or crisis management response costs
     I.7 Legislative and regulatory litigation, expense, and settlement costs
     I.8 Investigation and financial penalty costs
     I.9 Credit or identity theft monitoring costs
     I.10 Loss of external information costs
     I.11 Consequential costs
Appendix II  Example of underwriting contents
     II.1 Policy schedule
     II.2 Insurance policy