�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Line signals
������� 5.1���� Data signalling rates
������� 5.2���� Symbol rates
������� 5.3���� Carrier frequencies
������� 5.4���� Pre-emphasis
�6���� DTE interfaces
� ������6.1���� Synchronous interfacing (primary channel only)
������� 6.2���� Asynchronous character-mode interfacing
������� 6.3���� Half-duplex mode interfacing
������� 6.4���� Electrical characteristics of interchange circuits
������� 6.5���� Fault condition on interchange circuits
������� 6.6���� Thresholds and response times of Circuit 109
�7���� Scrambler
�8���� Framing
������� 8.1���� Overview
������� 8.2���� Mapping frame switching
������� 8.3���� Multiplexing of primary and auxiliary channel bits
�9���� Encoder
������� 9.1���� Signal constellations
������� 9.2���� Mapping parameters
������� 9.3���� Parser
������� 9.4���� Shell mapper
������� 9.5���� Differential encoder
������� 9.6���� Mapper, precoder and trellis encoder
������� 9.7���� Non-linear encoder
10���� Start-up signals and sequences
������ 10.1���� Signals and sequences used in duplex operation
������ 10.2���� Signals and sequences used in half-duplex operation
11���� Duplex operating procedures
������ 11.1���� Phase 1 � Network interaction
������ 11.2���� Phase 2 � Probing/ranging
������ 11.3���� Phase 3 � Equalizer and echo canceller training
������ 11.4���� Phase 4 � Final training
������ 11.5���� Retrains
������ 11.6���� Rate renegotiation
������ 11.7���� Cleardown
������ 11.8���� Two-wire leased line operation
12���� Half-duplex operating procedures
������ 12.1���� Phase 1 � Network interaction
������ 12.2���� Phase 2 � Probing
������ 12.3���� Phase 3 � Primary channel equalizer training
������ 12.4���� Control channel start-up
������ 12.5���� Primary channel resynchronization procedure
������ 12.6���� Control channel resynchronization procedure
������ 12.7���� Primary channel retrains
������ 12.8���� Control channel retrains
13���� Testing facilities
14���� Glossary
������ 14.1���� Variables and Parameters used in Data mode (clauses 5 to 9)
Annex A� �� V.34 modem control channel procedures
������� A.1���� Introduction
������� A.2���� MP sequences for modem control channel compatibility
������� A.3���� Auxiliary channel protocol for modem control
������� A.4���� Items for further study