�0���� Introduction
Scope and field of application
Overview of telematic access to
������� 6.1���� Abstract model
������� 6.2���� Functional model
������� 6.3���� Access for registered and non-registered users
IPMS in the context of telematic
������� 7.1���� Objects and ports description
������� 7.2���� Origination, reception and management ports, services and
������� 7.3���� Miscellanea port services and operations
Refinement of the TLMA object
������� 8.1���� Object and ports description
������� 8.2���� The mhs-doc-xfer port operations
Abstract errors
10���� Realization of abstract operations
������ 10.1���� Description of TAPDU
������ 10.2���� Operation of the TLMAU
11���� Formats and coding of TAPDU
������ 11.1���� Principles
������ 11.2���� Structure and format of TAPDU
������ 11.3���� Coding of TAPDU
������ 11.4���� Format of TAPDU
������ 11.5���� Reference between TAPDU components and its coding format
12���� Error recovery
13���� Control procedures
������ 13.1���� Session control procedures
������ 13.2���� Document control procedures
������ 13.3���� Log-on procedures
Annex A - Formal definition of TLMA
abstract service
Annex B - Format of TAPDU components
Annex C - Element ID list
Annex D - Element of service for
TTX/IPM service intercommunications