�1���� Introduction and scope
������� 1.1���� Facsimile terminals
������� 1.2���� Facsimile DCE
������� 1.3���� Scope
������� 1.4���� Overview
Normative references
Facsimile DTE�DCE interchange circuits
������� 5.1���� DTE�DCE communication link data rates
������� 5.2���� Asynchronous to synchronous conversion
������� 5.3���� Flow control
������� 5.4���� Serial data interchange circuits
Autodialler services
������� 6.1���� Command syntax
������� 6.2���� Command execution
������� 6.3���� Response syntax
������� 6.4���� Capabilities identification and control
������� 6.5���� Call answering
������� 6.6���� Call origination
������� 6.7���� Call termination
������� 6.8���� Result codes
������ �6.9���� Serial port flow
������ 6.10���� Serial port speed control
������ 6.11���� Transparent data commands
Facsimile Service Class 1
������� 7.1���� Connection establishment
������� 7.2���� Waiting and silence detection
������� 7.3���� Data transfer
������� 7.4���� HDLC framing, transparency, and error detection
������� 7.5���� Facsimile carrier error message response
Service Class 1 commands and responses
������� 8.1���� Command summary
������� 8.2���� Capabilities identification and control
������� 8.3���� Service Class 1 action commands
������� 8.4���� Service Class 1 result codes
������� 8.5���� Service Class 1 parameters
Annex� A� �� Interworking with
existing facsimile� DTE
Appendix� I� �� Service Class 1 example
Appendix� II� �� Recommendations for DTE
������ II.1���� Clarification of switching from HDLC reception to transmission
������ II.2���� Clarification of switching transmit modulation schemes