�7���� International Telecommunication Charge Card (ITEC)
������� 7.1���� Scope
������� 7.2���� References
������� 7.3���� Definitions
������� 7.4���� Abbreviations
������� 7.5���� Description of ITCC
������� 7.6���� Functional model for ITCC
�� ���������������7.6.1���� Functional model description
������� 7.7���� Information Flows for ITCC
����������������� 7.7.1���� ITCC procedures
����������������� 7.7.2���� Definition of individual information flows
������� 7.8���� SDL diagrams for ITCC
����� ������������7.8.1���� Card validation procedure
����������������� 7.8.2���� Call Disposition procedure
������� 7.9���� Functional Entity Actions
������ 7.10���� Allocation of FEs to physical locations
Appendix� I � Access and identification procedure
Appendix� II � Validation Rejection and Retry procedure
Appendix� III � Maximum retries reached and service logic initiated release procedure
Appendix� IV � Outgoing call
Appendix� V � Calling party abandon
Appendix� VI � Calling and called party initiated disconnection
Appendix� VII � Follow-on recognition
Appendix� VIII � Network initiated disconnection