�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� General
������� 1.2���� Definitions
������� 1.3���� Symbols and abbreviations
������� 1.4���� Services supported by this Recommendation
������� 1.5���� Service invocation
Call set-up and release
������� 2.1���� Functional model
������� 2.2���� Information flows required for en-bloc and digit-by-digit
sending call set-up and call release
������� 2.3���� SDLs
������� 2.4���� Interworking between public and private ISDNs
������� 2.5���� Functional entity actions
������� 2.6���� Additional FEAs required for digit-by-digit call setup cases
������� 2.7���� Allocation of functions to physical entities
Annex A� �� Interaction with Supplementary Services