1 Introduction
1.1 General characteristics of the signalling network functions
1.2 Signalling message handling
1.3 Signalling network management
2 Signalling message handling
2.1 General
2.2 Routing label
2.3 Message routing function
2.4 Message discrimination and distribution functions
3 Signalling network management
3.1 General
3.2 Status of signalling links
3.3 Procedures used in connection with link status changes
3.4 Status of signalling routes
3.5 Procedures used in connection with route status changes
3.6 Status of signalling points
3.7 Procedure used in connection with point status changes
3.8 Signalling network congestion
4 Signalling traffic management
4.1 General
4.2 Normal routing situation
4.3 Signalling link unavailability
4.4 Signalling link availability
4.5 Signalling route unavailability
4.6 Signalling route availability
4.7 Signalling route restriction9)
4.8 Signalling point availability
5 Changeover
5.1 General
5.2 Network configurations for changeover
5.3 Changeover initiation and actions
5.4 Buffer updating procedure
5.5 Retrieval and diversion of traffic
5.6 Emergency changeover procedures
5.7 Procedures in abnormal conditions
6 Changeback
6.1 General
6.2 Changeback initiation and actions
6.3 Sequence control procedure
6.4 Time-controlled diversion procedure
6.5 Procedures in abnormal conditions
7 Forced rerouting
7.1 General
7.2 Forced rerouting initiation and actions
8 Controlled rerouting
8.1 General
8.2 Controlled rerouting initiation and actions
9 Signalling point restart
9.1 Actions in a signalling point (having the transfer function) which restarts
9.2 Actions in a restarting signalling point (having no transfer function)
9.3 Actions in a signalling point X adjacent to a restarting signalling point Y
9.4 Actions in signalling point X on receipt of unexpected TRA message
9.5 General rules
10 Management inhibiting
10.1 General
10.2 Inhibiting initiation and actions
10.3 Uninhibiting initiation and actions
10.4 Receipt of unexpected management inhibition messages
10.5 Management inhibited link status and processor recovery
10.6 Inhibit test procedure
11 Signalling traffic flow control
11.1 General
11.2 Flow control indications
12 Signalling link management
12.1 General
12.2 Basic signalling link management procedures
12.3 Signalling link management procedures based on automatic allocation of signalling terminals
12.4 Signalling link management procedures based on automatic allocation of signalling data links and signalling te...
12.5 Automatic allocation of signalling terminals
12.6 Automatic allocation of signalling data links
12.7 Different signalling link management procedures at the two ends of a link set
13 Signalling route management
13.1 General
13.2 Transfer prohibited
13.3 Transfer allowed
13.4 Transfer-restricted (National option)
13.5 Signalling-route-set-test
13.6 Transfer controlled (International network)
13.7 Transfer controlled (National option with congestion priorities)
13.8 Transfer controlled (National option without congestion priorities)
13.9 Signalling-route-set-congestion-test (National Option)
14 Common characteristics of message signal unit formats
14.1 General
14.2 Service information octet
14.3 Label
15 Formats and codes of signalling network management messages
15.1 General
15.2 Label
15.3 Heading code (H0)
15.4 Changeover message
15.5 Changeback message
15.6 Emergency changeover message
15.7 Transfer-prohibited message
15.8 Transfer-allowed message
15.9 Transfer restricted message (national option)
15.10 Signalling-route-set-test message
15.11 Management inhibit message
15.12 Traffic restart allowed message
15.13 Signalling-data-link-connection-order message
15.14 Signalling-data-link-connection-acknowledgement message
15.15 Transfer controlled message
15.16 Signalling-route-set-congestion-test message (national option)
15.17 User part unavailable message
16 State transition diagrams
16.1 General
16.2 Drafting conventions
16.3 Signalling message handling
16.4 Signalling traffic management
16.5 Signalling link management
16.6 Signalling route management
16.7 Abbreviations used in Figures 23/Q.704 onwards
16.8 Timers and timer values