Rec. ITU-T Q.5050 (03/2019) - Framework for solutions to combat counterfeit ICT devices
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 General aspects
7 Fundamentals of an orderly telecom equipment marketplace
8 Considerations when deploying solutions for combating counterfeit ICT devices:
     8.1 Detection and identification of counterfeit ICT devices
     8.2 Tracking of counterfeit ICT device producers and traffickers
     8.3 Removal of counterfeit ICT devices already in use in the market
     8.4 Limit the import, circulation and sale of new counterfeit ICT devices on the market
     8.5 Differentiation between genuine and counterfeit ICT devices
     8.6 Limit impact on authentic ICT device manufacturer
     8.7 Reduction of end-user impact when considering removing counterfeit ICT devices
     8.8 Consumer education
     8.9 Avoiding technical barriers to trade (TBTs)
9 Framework requirements
     9.1 Identification and enforcement actions against producers and traffickers of counterfeit devices
     9.2 Consultation with industry and consumer groups
     9.3 Reliable unique identifier
     9.4 Centralized reference database
     9.5 Deployment of a conformity assessment regime
     9.6 Close collaboration with customs authorities and appropriate domestic agencies
     9.7 Share information with end-user before any remedial action
     9.8 Support of applicable national legal and regulatory frameworks
     9.9 Consideration for products already in use in the market
10 Possible counterfeit ICT solution approaches
     10.1 Prohibit the use of invalid and non-genuine device identifiers
     10.2 Certification of the ICT device and market surveillance
     10.3 Device lifecycle management
11 Reference framework
Annex A  Mobile devices solutions
Appendix I  Other industry solutions