�1���� Introduction
�2���� References
������� 2.1���� Normative References
������� 2.2���� Bibliography
�3���� Definitions relating to Circuit Multiplication Equipment
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Requirements
������� 5.1���� Reasons for use of Circuit Multiplication Equipment (CME)
������� 5.2���� Integration of Circuit Multiplication Equipment into the circuit-switched international network
������� 5.3���� Factors for signalling functions determination
����������������� 5.3.1���� Capabilities and limitations
����������������� 5.3.2���� Connection types supported on Circuit Multiplication Equipment links
������� 5.4���� Connection types and Circuit Multiplication Equipment techniques in the context of signalling
�6���� Network aspects
������� 6.1�� ��Division of functionality between the International Switching Centre and the Circuit Multiplication Equipment
������� 6.2���� Circuit Multiplication Equipment dynamic load control process
������� 6.3���� Call set-up process
����������������� 6.3.1���� Seizure/select
����������������� 6.3.2���� Release
����������������� 6.3.3���� Dual seizure
������� 6.4���� Change of connection of type after call set-up
������� 6.5���� Inter-dependency between dynamic load control and call set-up process
�7���� Protocol
������� 7.1���� Control information elements between International Switching Centre and Circuit Multiplication Equipment
������� 7.2���� Information elements for Type 1 Circuit Multiplication Equipment
������� 7.3���� Information elements for Type 2 Circuit Multiplication Equipment
������� 7.4���� Notification of dynamic load control actions
�8���� Example systems
Annex A - Interface based on time-slot 16 (frame 0-15)
Annex B - Interface based on time slot 16 (frame 1-15)
������� B.1���� General
������� B.2���� Physical level of interface
������� B.3���� Distribution of functions between DCME and ISC
����������������� B.3.1���� DCME functions
����������������� B.3.2���� ISC functions
������� B.4���� Signalling code
������� B.5���� Signalling procedures
��� ��������������B.5.1���� Successful call set-up
����������������� B.5.2���� Unsuccessful call set-up
����������������� B.5.3���� Call release
����������������� B.5.4���� Maintenance procedures