1 Introduction
2 Definitions relating to CME
2.1 Digital circuit multiplication equipment (DCME) and CME
2.2 Speech interpolation; digital speech interpolation (DSI)
2.3 Low rate encoding (LRE)
2.4 Speech activity
2.5 CME gain
2.6 Trunk
2.7 Transmission channel, bearer channel
2.8 Freeze-out
2.9 Freeze-out fraction
2.10 Transmission overload
2.11 Operating modes
3 Requirements for control
3.1 Reasons for use of circuit multiplication equipments (CME)
3.2 Integration of CMEs into the telephone network
4 Bearer services and CME techniques in the context of signalling
5 Division of functionality between the ISC and the CME
5.1 CME dynamic load control process
5.2 Call set-up process
5.3 Inter-dependency between dynamic load control and call set-up process
6 Control information elements between ISC and CME
6.1 Information elements for Type 1 CME
6.2 Information elements for Type 2 CME
7 Transmission techniques for ISC-CME signalling
7.1 External data path
7.2 Channel associated signalling
7.3 Common channel signalling in the PCM access stream
8 Recommendation for signalling system
9 Example systems
ANNEX A – Controlled DCME interface utilizing time-slot 16
ANNEX B – Example of a signalling system between DCME and ISC
B.1 General
B.2 Physical level of interface
B.3 Distribution of functions between DCME and ISC
B.4 Signalling code
B.5 Signalling procedures
B.6 DCME load tests