Recommendation ITU-T Q.4044 (08/2021) Test suite for interoperability testing of a virtual switch
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of the test suite for the IOPT of a virtual switch
7 Test cases for IOPT between a virtual switch and a VM
     7.1 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and a VM in the aspect of network connectivity
          7.1.1 Test case: Data frame forwarding
          7.1.2 Test case: VLAN
          7.1.3 Test case: Maximum transmission unit
          7.1.4 Test case: Port aggregation
          7.1.5 Test case: Jumbo frames
          7.1.6 Test case: Forwarding acceleration
          7.1.7 Test case: Ethernet interface
          7.1.8 Test case: Ethernet autonegotiation
          7.1.9 Test case: Spanning tree protocol (STP)
          7.1.10 Test case: QinQ
          7.1.11 Test case: Internet control message protocol (ICMP)
          7.1.12 Test case: Internet group management protocol (IGMP)
          7.1.13 Test case: Open shortest path first (OSFP)
          7.1.14 Test case: Intermediate system to intermediate system (IS-IS)
          7.1.15 Test case: Routeing information protocol (RIP)
          7.1.16 Test case: Exterior gateway protocol (EGP)
          7.1.17 Test case: Static routes
          7.1.18 Test case: Network address translation (NAT)
          7.1.19 Test case: Routeing policy
          7.1.20 Test case: Address resolution protocol (ARP) proxy
          7.1.21 Test case: IP protocol
     7.2 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and a VM in the aspect of network security
          7.2.1 Test case: Traffic filtering
          7.2.2 Test case: Security group
          7.2.3 Test case: Anti MAC spoofing
          7.2.4 Test case: Network security
          7.2.5 Test case: Access control list (ACL)
          7.2.6 Test case: Anti-DOS/DDOS
     7.3 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and a VM in the aspect of network QoS
          7.3.1 Test case: Traffic classification
          7.3.2 Test case: Rate limitation
8 Test cases for IOPT between a virtual switch and other network equipment
     8.1 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and other network equipment in the aspect of tunnelling
          8.1.1 Test case: Tunnelling protocol
          8.1.2 Test case: Bridging tunnelling-based network and VLAN network
9 Test cases for IOPT between a virtual switch and a management entity
     9.1 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and a management entity in the aspect of reference points
          9.1.1 Test case: Reference points for network functions
          9.1.2 Test case: Reference points for network operation
          9.1.3 Test case: Reference point format
          9.1.4 Test case: Changing configuration remotely
10 Test cases for IOPT between a virtual switch and computing virtualization
     10.1 Interoperability test cases for testing between a virtual switch and computing virtualization in the aspect of computing virtualization
          10.1.1 Test case: Deploy on server virtualization platform
          10.1.2 Test case: Accessing the VM's virtual port
          10.1.3 Test case: VM status awareness
          10.1.4 Test case: Monitoring resource allocation
Appendix I  Test case template
Appendix II  Test topology