Table of Contents

�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Conventions������������
�6���� Overview of cloud interoperability testing for web applications���������
������� 6.1���� Cloud interoperability for web applications�����
������� 6.2���� Relationship with cloud interoperability testing������������
������� 6.3���� Cloud interoperability testing framework for web applications between CSC and CSP���
�7���� Cloud interoperability testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP�������������
������� 7.1���� QoE testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP�����
������� 7.2���� Performance testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP����
������� 7.3���� Transaction testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP������
������� 7.4���� Cookies testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP��������������
������� 7.5���� Link testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP�����
������� 7.6���� Account management testing for web applications between the CSC and CSP��
Appendix I � Test case template����
Appendix � Test cases for cloud interoperability testing for web applications� between the CSC and CSP����
������ II.1���� Test case: Connection establishment time testing���������
������ II.2���� Test case: First package response time testing
������ II.3���� Test case: The whole page response time���������
������ II.4���� Test case: Load testing��������������
������ II.5���� Test case: Stress testing������������
������ II.6���� Test case: Stability testing��������
������ II.7���� Test case: Individual transaction tracing testing��������������
������ II.8���� Test case: Total transaction statistics testing����
������ II.9���� Test case: Slow transaction statistics testing����
����� II.10��� �Test case: Error transaction statistics testing��
����� II.11���� Test case: Cookies testing�������
����� II.12���� Test case: Link testing��������������
����� II.13���� Test case: Account management testing����������
Appendix III � Alignment analysis with Recommendation ITU-T Q.4040����