�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Terms and definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� General encoding principles
������� 5.1���� Routing label
������� 5.2���� Message compatibility information
������� 5.3���� Message type code
������� 5.4���� Message length
������� 5.5���� Formatting principles
������� 5.6���� Encoding principles for subfields
������� 5.7���� Order of transmission
������� 5.8���� Coding of spare bits
������� 5.9���� National message types and
������ 5.10���� Rules for the allocation of
message, parameter name, and parameter subfield codes
������ 5.11���� Formats and codes of parameters
originated from the access protocol
�6���� Parameter formats and codes
������� 6.1���� Message type codes
������� 6.2���� Coding of the message length
������� 6.3���� Coding of the parameter length
������� 6.4���� Coding of the message
compatibility information
������� 6.5���� Coding of the parameter
compatibility information
�7���� B‑ISDN User Part parameters
������ �7.1���� Parameter names
������� 7.2���� AAL parameters
������� 7.3���� AAL prime parameters
������� 7.4���� Access delivery information
������� 7.5���� Additional ATM cell rate
������� 7.6���� Additional calling party number
������� 7.7���� Additional connected number
������� 7.8���� AESA for additional calling party
������� 7.9���� AESA for additional connected
������ 7.10���� AESA for called party
������ 7.11���� AESA for calling party
������ 7.12���� AESA for connected party
������ 7.13���� Alternative ATM cell rate
������ 7.14���� Application generated identifier
������ 7.15���� Application transport
������ 7.16���� ATC setup parameters
������ 7.17���� ATM cell rate
������ 7.18���� Automatic congestion level
������ 7.19���� Automatic re-routing (crankback)
������ 7.20���� Backward GVNS
������ 7.21���� Backward narrow-band interworking
������ 7.22���� Broadband bearer capability
������ 7.23���� Broadband high layer information
������ 7.24���� Broadband low layer information
������ 7.25���� Call diversion information
������ 7.26���� Call diversion may occur
������ 7.27���� Call diversion treatment
������ 7.28���� Call history information
������ 7.29���� Call offering treatment indicators
������ 7.30���� Call transfer number
������ 7.31���� Call transfer reference
������ 7.32���� Called IN number
������ 7.33���� Called party number
������ 7.34���� Called party sub-address
������ 7.35���� Called party's indicators
������ 7.36���� Calling party number
����� �7.37���� Calling party sub-address
������ 7.38���� Calling party's category
������ 7.39���� Cause indicators
������ 7.40���� CCSS
������ 7.41���� CDVT
������ 7.42���� Charge indicator
������ 7.43���� Charged party identification
(national use)
������ 7.44���� Closed User Group information
������ 7.45���� Collect call request
������ 7.46���� Conference treatment indicators
������ 7.47���� Connected line identity request
������ 7.48���� Connected number
������ 7.49���� Connected sub-address
������ 7.50���� Connection element identifier
������ 7.51���� Connection identifier
������ 7.52���� Consistency check result
������ 7.53���� Correlation ID
������ 7.54���� Destination connection link
������ 7.55���� Destination signalling identifier
������ 7.56���� Display information
������ 7.57���� Echo control information
������ 7.58���� End-to-end transit delay network
generated indicator
������ 7.59���� Exclusive connection element identifier
������ 7.60���� Extended Quality of Service
� �����7.61���� Forward GVNS
������ 7.62���� Forward narrow-band interworking
������ 7.63���� Hop counter
������ 7.64���� In-band information indicator
������ 7.65���� Leaf party type
������ 7.66���� Link layer core parameters
������ 7.67���� Link layer protocol parameters
������ 7.68���� Location number
������ 7.69���� Loop prevention indicators
������ 7.70���� Maximum end-to-end transit delay
������ 7.71���� MCID response indicators
������ 7.72���� MCID request indicators
������ 7.73���� Minimum ATM cell rate
������ 7.74���� MLPP precedence
������ 7.75���� MLPP user information
������ 7.76���� Narrow-band bearer capability
������ 7.77���� Narrow-band high layer
������ 7.78���� Narrow-band low layer
������ 7.79���� National/international call
������ 7.80���� Network call correlation
������ 7.81���� Network look ahead indicator
������ 7.82���� Network management controls
������ 7.83���� Notification
������ 7.84���� OAM traffic descriptor
������ 7.85���� Original called number
������ 7.86���� Origination connection link
������ 7.87���� Origination ISC
point code
������ 7.88���� Origination signalling identifier
������ 7.89���� Priority
������ 7.90���� Progress indicator
������ 7.91���� Propagation delay counter
������ 7.92���� Quality of service (QoS)
������ 7.93���� Redirecting number
������ 7.94���� Redirection information
������ 7.95���� Redirection number
������ 7.96���� Redirection number restriction
������ 7.97���� Remote operations (national use)
������ 7.98���� Report type
������ 7.99���� Report type prime
����� 7.100���� Resource identifier
����� 7.101���� SCF ID
����� 7.102���� Segmentation indicator (national
����� 7.103���� Service activation
����� 7.104���� Soft PVC called endpoint
����� 7.105���� Soft PVC calling endpoint
����� 7.106���� Subsequent number
����� 7.107���� Suspend/resume indicators
����� 7.108���� Transit network selection
(national use)
����� 7.109���� UID action indicators
����� 7.110���� UID capability indicators
����� 7.111���� User-to-user indicators
����� 7.112���� User-to-user information
�8���� B-ISDN User Part messages and