�1���� Scope
�2���� References
������� 2.1���� Normative references
������� 2.2���� Informative references
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Signalling network architecture
������� 5.1���� General architecture
������� 5.2���� Interworking of TI-SCCP with SCCP
�6���� Exceptions to ITU-T Rec. Q.711
������� 6.1���� General
������� 6.2���� Scope and field of application
������� 6.3���� Primitives
������� 6.4���� Removal of the embedded service
������� 6.5���� Reason for return
������� 6.6����SCCP management
������� 6.7���� Definition of the lower boundary of the SCCP
�7���� Exceptions to ITU-T Rec. Q.712
������� 7.1���� Signalling connection control part messages
������� 7.2���� SCCP message parameters
������� 7.3���� Inclusion of fields in the messages
�8���� Exceptions to ITU-T Rec. Q.713
������� 8.1���� Introduction
������� 8.2���� Coding of the general parts
������� 8.3���� SCCP parameters
������� 8.4���� SCCP messages and codes
������� 8.5���� SCCP management messages and codes
������� 8.6���� Mapping for cause parameter values
�9���� Exceptions to ITU-T Rec. Q.714
������� 9.1���� General
������� 9.2���� General characteristics of signalling connection control procedures
������� 9.3���� Addressing and routing
����� ��9.4���� Connection-oriented procedures
������� 9.5���� Connectionless procedures
������� 9.6���� SCCP management procedures
������� 9.7���� Annex C � State Transition Diagrams (STD) for the signalling connection control part of Signalling Systems No. 7
������� 9.8���� Annex D � State Transition Diagrams (STD) for SCCP management control
10���� Exceptions to ITU-T Rec. Q.715
Appendix I � Aspects of the fully meshed Signalling Transport Network
������� I.1���� �� GST supported by the Signalling Transport Converter on MTP and MTP3b
������� I.2���� �� GST supported by the Signalling Transport Converter on SSCOP and SSCOPMCE
������� I.3���� �� GST supported by the Signalling Transport Converter on SCTP
Appendix II � Differences between the SCCP and TI-SCCP operating over ITU‑T Rec. Q.2150.1