ITU-T Rec. Q.1238.6 (06/2000) Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: SCF-SCF interface Summary Source Keywords FOREWORD CONTENTS Interface Recommendation for intelligent network capability set 3: SCF-SCF interface 1 Scope 2 References 3 Abbreviations and acronyms 4 SCF-SCF relationship 5 SCF FE Model 6 SCF FSM 6.1 SCME FSM 6.2 Controlling SCF FSM (SCSM-Con) 6.3 Supporting SCF FSM (SCSM-Sup) 6.4 SCF state transition models for chaining initiation (SCSM-ChI) 6.5 SCF state transition models for chaining termination (SCSM-ChT) 7 Detailed operation procedures 7.1 ActivityTest procedure 7.2 ChainedConfirmedNotificationProvided procedure 7.3 ChainedConfirmedReportChargingInformation procedure 7.4 ChainedEstablishChargingRecord procedure 7.5 ChainedHandlingInformationRequest procedure 7.6 ChainedHandlingInformationResult procedure 7.7 ChainedNetworkCapability procedure 7.8 ChainedNotificationProvided procedure 7.9 ChainedReportChargingInformation procedure 7.10 ChainedProvideUserInformation procedure 7.11 ChainedRequestNotification procedure 7.12 ChainedRunUserScript procedure 7.13 ConfirmedNotificationProvided procedure 7.14 ConfirmedReportChargingInformation procedure 7.15 EstablishChargingRecord procedure 7.16 HandlingInformationRequest procedure 7.17 HandlingInformationResult procedure 7.18 IN-Unbind procedure 7.19 IN-Unbind procedure (in the chaining case) 7.20 NetworkCapability procedure 7.21 NotificationProvided procedure 7.22 ProvideUserInformation procedure 7.23 ReportChargingInformation procedure 7.24 RequestNotification procedure 7.25 RunUserScript procedure 7.26 SCFBind procedure 7.27 SCFBind procedure (in the chaining case) 7.28 TFCBind procedure 7.29 TrafficFlowControl procedure 7.30 TransferSTSI procedure 8 Parameters 8.1 AccountNumber 8.2 Acksequence 8.3 Actions 8.4 ActiveSupplementaryServices 8.5 AgreementID 8.6 BearerCapabilities 8.7 BearerCapability 8.8 CalledPartyNumber 8.9 CallingPartyBusinessGroupID 8.10 CallingPartysCategory 8.11 CallingPartyNumber 8.12 CallRecord 8.13 Carrier 8.14 CauseOfLastCallFailure 8.15 ChargingParameters 8.16 Constraints 8.17 ConsumedCreditAction 8.18 Container 8.19 ControlType 8.20 CounterValues 8.21 CorrelationID 8.22 Credentials 8.23 DialledDigits 8.24 Duration 8.25 ErrorInfo 8.26 Extensions 8.27 HighLayerCompatibilities 8.28 HighLayerCompatibility 8.29 InfoToSend 8.30 InvokedSupplementaryService 8.31 LocationNumber 8.32 Notification 8.33 NotificationInformation 8.34 NumberOfAllowedRetries 8.35 NumberOfCallAttempts 8.36 OriginalCalledPartyID 8.37 OriginatingScf 8.38 OriginatingScfAddress 8.39 PreferredLanguage 8.40 RedirectionInformation 8.41 RedirectingPartyID 8.42 RemainingUserCredit 8.43 ReportAddress 8.44 ReportCondition 8.45 ReportExpected 8.46 RequestedType 8.47 ResetOfTransmisttedCounters 8.48 RespondingScfAddress 8.49 RoutingAddress 8.50 SecurityParameters 8.51 ScfAuthenticationLevel 8.52 ScfID 8.53 Splitcharge 8.54 SrfAddress 8.55 SSIInfo 8.56 SupplementaryServices 8.57 Target 8.58 Timelimit 8.59 TfcCriteria 8.60 TraceInformation 8.61 TypeOfRequestedInfo 8.62 UltimateResponder 8.63 UniqueCallID 8.64 UserCredit 8.65 UserInformation 8.66 UserInteractionModes 8.67 UserToConnect 8.68 WasChained 9 Error procedures 9.1 ChainingRefused 9.2 ImproperCallerResponse 9.3 MissingCustomerRecord 9.4 MissingParameter 9.5 ParameterOutOfRange 9.6 ScfReferral 9.7 Security 9.8 SystemFailure 9.9 UnexpectedComponentSequence 9.10 UnexpectedDataValue 9.11 UnexpectedParameter 9.12 ScfBindFailure 9.13 ScfTaskRefused 9.14 TFCBindError 10 ASN.1 definitions 11 ASN.1 operations and arguments 12 ASN.1 packages, contracts 13 Services assumed from TCAP 13.1 Normal Procedures 13.2 Abnormal Procedures 13.3 Dialogue Handling 13.4 Component Handling