SummaryWhen testing digital financial services (DFS), a variety of specific aspects have to be considered. First, these services are an unprecedented combination of efforts in both the telecommunication and the financial sector. Secon, and most important, each test carried out sends real money (which might be retrieved in many cases), and is being charged real fees (which typically cannot be retrieved and add to the cost of testing). Once attempts are made towards automation in DFS testing, many more aspects and requirements need to be considered. Supplement 30 to ITU-T P-series Recommendations provides guidance on aspects of automation in DFS testing that need to be included in the test conditions as well as specific instructions that experimenters should consider. This Supplement also provides examples of automation that are suitable for DFS testing. It is meant to be a starting point and basis for industry vendors and other stakeholders in the DFS ecosystem to develop robust environments for automated testing. In all cases, it is assumed that automation is technology neutral and technology agnostic. |