�1���� Introduction������
�2���� Normative references�������
�3���� Abbreviations���
�4���� Scope�
�5���� Convention
�6���� Requirements on speech signals to be assessed�����
�7���� Overview of P.563����������
������� 7.1���� Vocal tract analysis and unnaturalness of speech�����
������� 7.2���� Analysis of strong additional noise��
������� 7.3���� Interruptions, mutes and time clipping���������
������� 7.4���� Distortion classification�������
�8���� Comparison between objective and subjective scores�������
������� 8.1���� Correlation coefficient��������
�9���� High level description of the functional blocks used in P.563���������
������� 9.1���� Description of basic speech descriptors and the signal pre-processing���������
������� 9.2���� Description of the functional block 'Vocal tract analysis and Unnatural Voice'����������
� ������9.3���� Description of the functional block 'Additive Noise'
������� 9.4���� Description of the 'Mutes/Interruptions' functional block components����������
������� 9.5���� Description of the Speech Quality Model���
Annex A � Source code for reference implementation and conformance tests����
������� A.1���� List of files provided for the ANSI-C reference implementation������
������� A.2���� List of files provided for conformance validation�����
������� A.3���� Speech files provided for validation with variable delay������
� ������A.4���� Conformance data sets������
������� A.5���� Conformance requirements
������� A.6���� Conformance test on unknown data����