�1���� Scope�
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions����
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms����
�5���� Introduction to Q-factor
�6���� Requirements of Q-factor measurement
������� 6.1���� Physical interfaces and bit rates��
������� 6.2���� Accuracy requirements and acceptance tests�����
������� 6.3���� Presentation of results����
Miscellaneous functions
������� 7.1���� Remote control port������
������� 7.2���� TMN interface���
Operating conditions����
������� 8.1���� Environmental conditions
������� 8.2���� Behaviour in case of power failure��������
10���� Background reading�����
Annex A � Mathematical procedure for the
Q-factor evaluation with the decision level shifting method����
������� A.1���� Preconditions����
������� A.2���� Theoretical dependence of the BER on the threshold���
������� A.3���� Separation of BER(0) and BER(1)�������
������� A.4���� Calculation of the results
Appendix I � Q-factor theory����
������� I.1���� Q-factor theory���
������� I.2���� Approximation of the erfc function�������
������� I.3���� Inverse erfc(x), erfc�1 (x)��
Appendix II � Optical channel performance and
������ II.1���� Optical channel performance�����
������ II.2���� Optical channel characteristics���
Appendix III � Imperfections to be considered
under conditions found in practice����
����� III.1���� Analogue impairments����
III.2���� Pattern dependencies�����
����� III.3���� Receiver characteristics���
����� III.4���� Sample phase position���
����� III.5���� Effects on the Q-factor���
Appendix IV � Implementation
suggestions for QFME����
IV.1���� Block diagrams���
������ IV.2���� Functional description���
������ IV.3���� Measurement modes�����
Appendix V � Additional verification tests����
������� V.1���� Receiver pulse response����