�1���� Scope�
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions����
������� 3.1���� Definitions imported from ITU-T Recs G.805 and G.809�������
������� 3.2���� Other definitions in this recommendation��������
�4���� Abbreviations�
�5���� Overview�
�6���� Network environment of HCPN��������
������� 6.1���� Overview of network environment�������
������� 6.2���� Reference architectures���
�7���� Service environment of HCPN��
������� 7.1���� The relationship between technology-specific networks in HCPN environment��������
�8���� Management environment in hybrid circuit/packet networks��
������� 8.1���� TMN management architectures for HCPN������
������� 8.2���� Protocol Architectures and Interworking
Annex A � Network topology overview����
������� A.1���� Topology definitions����
������� A.2���� Generic topology types�
������� A.3���� Topology versus architecture����