
This Recommendation provides limits for Bringing-Into-Service (BIS) and maintenance for international multi-operator SDH paths, including tandem connections, and international multi‑operator SDH multiplex sections using equipment designed according to ITU-T Recs G.826, G.828 and G.829. Error, timing and availability performance are considered. This Recommendation also deals with all levels of PDH signals transported within SDH containers. Regenerator sections are not covered by this Recommendation. BIS limits and maintenance procedures for radio regenerator sections are described in the relevant ITU-R Recommendations.

Maintenance of systems designed to ITU-T Recs G.826, G.828 and G.829 should use the limits given in this Recommendation.

This revised Recommendation includes all applicable material from ITU-T Rec. M.2101.1 and is therefore the only Recommendation to be used for SDH technology.