�1���� General
������� 1.1���� Convention
������� 1.2���� Definition of the international portion
�2���� Reference models
������� 2.1���� Path Core Elements
������� 2.2���� Hypothetical reference performance model for international 64 kbit/s paths
������� 2.3���� Hypothetical reference performance model for international primary and higher order paths
�3���� Performance objectives
������� 3.1���� 64 kbit/s rate
������� 3.2���� Primary rate and higher bit rates
�4���� Allocation principles
�5���� Evaluation of error performance parameters
������� 5.1���� Scope
������� 5.2���� Evaluation of ES/SES parameters from in-service measurements
������� 5.3���� Evaluation of ES/SES parameters from out-of-service measurements
�6���� Performance limits
������� 6.1���� General
������� 6.2���� Performance limits for bringing-into-service
������� 6.3���� Performance limits for maintenance
������� 6.4���� Long-term quality monitoring/measurement
�7���� Effects of timing impairments on error performance
�8���� Availability at 64 kbit/s layer and higher bit rate
������� 8.1���� Definitions of available and unavailable states
������� 8.2���� Consequences for error maintenance measurements
������� 8.3���� Inhibiting performance monitoring during unavailable time
������� 8.4���� Unavailability limits
Annex A � Example applications of RPO allocation from Tables 2a and 2b
Annex B � In-service ES and SES parameter evaluation criteria
Annex C � Values for bringing-into-service limits for international digital paths
Annex D