SummaryThis Recommendation defines designations and additional information intended primarily for human-to-human communication between various Operators, i.e., network operators or service providers. This Recommendation contains data definitions for designations of interconnections and other information about network resources that are required to be communicated between operators. This Recommendation will eventually replace ITU-T Rec. M.1400, Designations for interconnections among operators' networks. However, in an indefinite period, both Recommendations apply. This Recommendation is developed in order to facilitate computerized interoperation between telecommunication operators. For this use a more formal approach than M.1400 is required. See Appendix III. Note that since ITU-T Rec. M.1400 is rather informal, this Recommendation does not guarantee backward compatibility to existing implementations, but this Recommendation is based on ITU-T Rec. M.1400. For more information, see Appendix II.