Table of Contents

1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Supplement������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Introduction to circular economy concepts�
�6���� Circular economy related legislation and standards�
�7���� Circular economy business models
�8���� Circular economy aspects and parameters affecting the environmental impact in different life cycle stages����
������� 8.1���� Introduction�
������� 8.2��� �Raw material acquisition stage�������������
������� 8.3���� Use stage�������
������� 8.4���� End-of-life stage���������
�9���� Assessment methods and parameters����������
10���� Examples of actions taken by the ICT industry����������
11���� Reporting
12���� Insights and conclusions����
13���� Suggestions for future standardization activities�����
Appendix I � Observations regarding CE����
������� I.0���� Introduction��
������� I.1���� Recycling and e-waste
������� I.2���� Recycled content example for metals��
������� I.3���� Design process�������������
Appendix II � Additional examples of aspects, parameters, indicators and metrics����
������ II.0���� Introduction��
������ II.1���� Resource productivity
������ II.2���� Electronics disposal efficiency
������ II.3���� Material reutilization�
������ II.4 ����Material circularity indicator���
������ II.5���� RRR benefit rates��������
������ II.6���� Value-based circularity indicator for recycled content�
������ II.7���� Reusability�����
������ II.8���� Company sustainability assessment model using CE indicators�
Appendix III � Use of LCA in the context of CE����
Appendix IV � Equation examples����
������ IV.1���� Cost of refurbishment�������������
������ IV.2���� Cost of remanufacturing���������
Appendix V � Reuse example����