SummaryRecommendation ITU-T L.392 introduces an approach for improving network resilience against disasters and to assist network recovery after disasters by physically mobilizing units and facilities that package movable and instantaneously deployable resources for information and communication technology (ICT). The movable and deployable ICT resource unit (MDRU) is a collection of ICT resources that are packaged as an identifiable physical unit, is movable by any of multiple transportation modalities, acts as a stand-in (substitute) for damaged network facilities, and reproduces and extends their functionalities. The MDRU also brings extra ICT resources to meet the great increase in communication demands expected in disaster areas. Focusing on the use of the units as a substitute for local nodes, this Recommendation reviews target objectives of disaster management and gives high-level requirements for both operations and facilities as a guideline. To shorten deployment time, which is the primary objective of network recovery with substitute, this Recommendation shows how to optimize the process that starts with equipment preparation in daily operation to service offering at the site of the disaster. |