The following is recommended
Annex A � Waste product characterization tests
������� A.1���� Content declared to be carcinogenic
������� A.2���� Flammability screening
������� A.3���� Burning point
������� A.4���� Determination of pH
A.5���� Cyanides
������� A.6���� Corrosion
������� A.7���� Oxidants
������� A.8���� Screening for explosive properties
������� A.9���� Flammability with water
������ A.10���� Gas flammability test
������ A.11���� Sulphides
������ A.12���� Humidity and hygroscopic capacity test
������ A.13���� Lixiviation
������ A.14���� Ecotoxicity
������ A.15���� Testing for the presence of pathogenic organisms
������ A.16���� Bacterial mutagenesis
������ A.17���� Toxicity and irritability screening
������ A.18���� Complete irritability test
������ A.19���� Acute oral toxicity test
������ A.20���� Acute toxicity test by cutaneous application
������ A.21���� Final action
Appendix I � EEC legislation
������� I.1���� Solid urban waste
������� I.2���� Toxic and dangerous waste
������� I.3���� Chemical substances
Appendix II � (Information from Telef�nica de Espa�a) Materials
graded according to components
Appendix III � Materials characterized in Telef�nica de Espa�a