�1���� General considerations
������� 1.1���� Objectives
������� 1.2���� Deployment of xDSL technologies
������� 1.3���� xDSL: Technical problems
������� 1.4���� Transmission medium
�2���� Recommended requirements
������� 2.1���� Minimum ISDN, HDSL, ADSL and UADSL requirements
������� 2.2���� Digital local line physical characteristics
������� 2.3���� Digital Local Line electrical and transmission characteristics
������� 2.4���� Principal electrical and transmission characteristics for ISDN, HDSL,
ADSL and UADSL services and systems
����������������� 2.4.1���� Insertion loss
����������������� 2.4.2���� Crosstalk
����������������� 2.4.3���� Unbalance to earth
����������������� 2.4.4���� Impulse noise
Appendix I -Bridge Taps (BT): Effect of the loss due to the length
of a bridge tap
Appendix II - France
Telecom experience
������ II.1���� Mass deployment of ADSL:
loop qualification process
������ II.2���� Maximum reach of ADSL
������ II.3���� On field quality of the
copper pair