������� 3.1����
Term defined elsewhere��
������� 3.2����
Terms defined in this Recommendation�����
Abbreviations and acronyms��
Introduction to best practices for green data centres����������
������� 5.1����
Role of best practices������
������� 5.2����
Value of practices������������
Planning, utilization, and management of data centres�����
������� 6.1����
Involvement of organizational groups��������
������� 6.2����
General policies
������� 6.3����
Resilience level and provisioning��
ICT equipment and services����
������� 7.1����
Selection of new ICT equipment��
������� 7.2����
Selection of new telecom equipment�����������
������� 7.3����
Deployment of new ICT services�
������� 7.4����
Deployment of new telecom services����������
������� 7.5����
Management of existing ICT equipment and services�������������
������� 7.6����
Data management����������
������� 8.1����
Airflow design and management��
������� 8.2����
Cooling management�����
������� 8.3���
�Temperature and humidity settings�������������
������� 8.4����
Computer room air conditioners���
������� 8.5����
Re-use of data centre waste heat�
Data centre power equipment�
������� 9.1����
Selection and deployment of power equipment��������
������� 9.2����
Management of power equipment���������������
Other data centre equipment��
������ 10.1����
General practices������������
Data centre building�
������ 11.1����
Building physical layout���������������
������ 11.2����
Building geographic location��������
������ 12.1����
Energy use and environmental measurement����������
������ 12.2����
Energy use and environmental collection and logging������������
������ 12.3����
Energy use and environmental reporting���
������ 12.4����
ICT reporting���
Design of network�����
Annex A � Possible methodology for cooling data centres by using�
renewable energy in cold regions����
������� A.1����
Data centres in cold regions����������
������ A.2 �����General
matters relating to data centre cooling���������
������ A.3 �����Outdoor
air cooling���������
������� A.4����
Snow and ice cooling������
������� A.5����
Method of cooling data centres in cold regions���������
Annex B � Possible methodology for cooling data centres with high
density ICT devices����
������� B.1����
Outline of air conditioning methods������������
������� B.2����
Selection of cooling systems suited to data centre specifications����������
Annex C � Practical solutions for correcting airflow direction for
������� C.1����
Requirements for correcting airflow direction for equipment�
Annex D � Minimum data set for controlling data centre equipment for
energy saving management in data centres����
Appendix I � Validation test of a data centre cooling method using�
renewable energy in a cold region����
������ I.1 �����Background
and purpose of the test������������
������� I.2����
Overview of the test���������
������ �I.3����
Test results���������
������� I.4����
Prediction of annual energy consumption���
������� I.5����
Appendix II � Potential for primary energy savings in TLC/ICT centres
through free cooling����
������ II.1����
������ II.2����
Probabilistic model for the inlet conditions�
������ II.3����
Room temperature����������
������ II.4����
Energy analysis
Appendix III � Verification test and feasibility study of energy and
space efficient cooling systems for data centres with high density ICT devices�
����� III.1����
����� III.2����
Outline of verification and testing���������������
���� III.3 �����Verification
testing and results�����
���� III.4 �����Trial
calculations of energy conservation benefits in application to a full-scale
data centre����
Appendix IV � Experimental studies on plates and ducts installed� at
equipment inlets and outlets����
����� Page
������ IV.1����
Problem description of practical solutions for correcting airflow
direction for equipment����
������ IV.2����
Examples of practical solutions��
������ IV.3����
Experimental result��������
Appendix V � Rationale for minimum data set for evaluating energy
efficiency and for controlling data centre equipment in view of power
������� V.1����
������� V.2����
������� V.3����
Data set necessary for evaluation of energy efficiency in data centres���������������
������� V.4����
Data set necessary for coordinated control to save power in data centres����������
������� V.5����
Summary of minimum data set and gap analysis with other standardization