�1���� Scope����������
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
������� 3.1���� Terms defined elsewhere�������
������� 3.2���� Terms defined in this Recommendation�����������
�4���� Abbreviations and acronyms�������������
�5���� Conventions������������
�6���� Definition and requirements of multiple power interface configuration at
the input of ICT equipment����
������� 6.1���� Individual power interface used for multiple power interface
������ 6.2 �����Multiple power
interface configurations and requirements�����
�7���� Combination dependence of A, A3 and A3ac interfaces for multiple power
�8���� Backfeeding�������������
Appendix I � Power input switch selector installation options����
������ I.1 �����External switch selector installation and options for system
interface connections���������
������ I.2 �����Switch selector installed within converter and interface
Appendix II � Power input switch selector � General functionality����
����� II.1 �����General description of the power input switch selector��������������
������ II.2���� Input power monitoring�����������
Appendix III � Backfeeding protection����
���� III.1 �����Example of backfeeding protection�����
Appendix IV � Example of upstream conversion for dual −48
V power feed configuration at input of ICT equipment����
Bibliography ����