������� 3.1����
Terms defined elsewhere
������� 3.2����
Terms defined in this Recommendation�����
Abbreviations and acronyms��
General guidance�������
������� 5.1����
General public and occupational exposure
������� 5.2����
Existing or planned transmitting station������
������� 5.3����
Collection of data concerning the sources of radiation������������
������� 5.4����
One or more sources of radiation, total exposure������
������� 5.5����
Field regions������
������� 5.6����
Basic restrictions and reference levels���������
������� 5.7����
Exposure limits�
������� 5.8����
Compliance assessment�
������� 5.9����
Uncertainty evaluation���
������ 5.10����
Exposure assessment in areas around hospitals, schools, etc.���������������
�6� ���General
characteristics of typical sources of the radiation
������� 6.1����
AM transmitting stations
������� 6.2����
SW transmitting station � main beam tilt���
������� 6.3����
Fixed amateur stations���
������� 6.4����
Fixed point-to-point systems���������
����� ��6.5����
Handsets � isotropic sources���������
������� 6.6����
VHF and UHF broadcasting transmitting stations����
������� 6.7����
2G and 3G mobile base stations���
������� 6.8����
Smart (adaptive) antennas������������
������� 6.9����
Vehicle mounted antennas (such as police car)���������
Exposure assessment
������� 7.1����
������� 7.2����
������� 7.3����
������� 7.4����
Comparison between measurement and calculations��������������
������� 7.5����
Monitoring RF EMF levels�������������
Conclusions following the exposure assessment��
Final report��
Field levels around typical transmitting antennas��������������
11���� Conclusions���������������
Appendix I � Exposure limits����
������� I.1���� ������������� Introduction��������
������� I.2���� ������������� Exposure limits���
������� I.3����
������������� ICNIRP exposure limits����
������� I.4����
������������� Simultaneous exposure to multiple sources��
������� I.5����
������������� IEEE International Committee Electromagnetic Safety (ICES)
exposure limits���
Appendix II � Time averaging����
������ II.1����
Analysis of time variations of measured electric fields from WCDMA
mobile base stations����
������ II.2����
Analysis of time variations of measured electric fields from GSM mobile
base stations��
������ II.3����
Results and discussion����
������ II.4����
Discussion about the number of sampling data and averaging time�����
Appendix III � Examples of RF EMF levels in areas accessible to the
general public����
Appendix IV � Software Watt Guard����
Appendix V � Software "Uncertainty calculator"����
������� V.1����
������� V.2����
Brief descriptions of the software
������� V.3����
Appendix VI � Examples for evaluating electromagnetic fields in general
public environments with broadband radio signals����
������ VI.1����
Method for evaluating electromagnetic fields in general public
environments with broadband signals����
������ VI.2����
Effect of RBWs on measured electromagnetic fields from mobile phone base
Appendix VII � Example of block diagram with possible activities during
exposure assessment����
Bibliography���� Electronic attachment: Uncertainty calculator and Watt