������� 1.1���� Equipment covered by this
������� 1.2���� Additional requirements
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Safety criteria for
telecommunication network infrastructure equipment
������� 5.1���� General requirements
������� 5.2���� Special requirements
����������������� 5.2.1���� Protection from electric shock and energy hazards
����������������� 5.2.2���� Interconnection of equipment
����������������� 5.2.3���� Protection of telecommunication network service personnel, and users of
other equipment connected to the network, from hazards in the equipment
����������������� 5.2.4���� Separation from other circuits and parts
����������������� 5.2.5���� Installation instructions
Appendix I -
Cross-reference between K.51 and IEC 60950