�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� Definitions
�5���� Voltage and current limits
������� 5.1���� General
������� 5.2���� Method 1: Voltage limited RFT circuits
������� 5.3���� Method 2: Current limited RFT circuits
�6���� Work practices
������� 6.1���� General work practices
������� 6.2���� Special work practices
Annex A - RFT-V circuits
������� A.1���� Limits under normal operating conditions
������� A.2���� Limits under single fault conditions
������� A.3���� Coordination with surge protective devices
������� A.4���� Installation instructions
Annex B - RFT-C circuits
������� B.1���� Limits under normal operating conditions
������� B.2���� Limits under single fault conditions
������� B.3���� Limits with one conductor earthed
������� B.4���� Installation instructions
Appendix I - Bibliography