Recommendation ITU-T K.130 (01/2022) Neutron irradiation test methods for telecommunication equipment
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6  Advantages and objectives of neutron irradiation tests
7  Overview of neutron irradiation test system for telecommunication equipment using an accelerator-driven neutron source
     7.1  Configuration of neutron irradiation test facility
     7.2 Target assembly requirements
     7.3 Requirements for accelerator-driven neutron source
     7.4  Elimination of unnecessary irradiation
          7.4.1  Shielding against thermal neutrons
          7.4.2  Shielding against gamma rays
          7.4.3  Separation between target chamber and neutron irradiation chamber
     7.5 Simultaneous neutron irradiation of EUTs
     7.6 Irradiation area
     7.7  Uniformity of neutron flux
     7.8 Miscellaneous notes
8  Test set-up
     8.1  Outline of test set-up
     8.2  Configuration
     8.3  Control terminals
     8.4  Positioning of EUT
     8.5  Control terminal and AEs installation
     8.6  Signal measurement equipment
9 Operation of EUT and test procedure
     9.1  Operation of EUT
     9.2  Test procedures
     9.3 Test report
Appendix I  Method of calculation for neutron fluence