�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Definitions
�4���� Abbreviations
�5���� Storage conditions
�6���� Electrical characteristics
������� 6.1���� Spark-over voltages (see 7.1, 7.2)
������� 6.2���� Holdover voltages (see 7.5 and Figures 4 and 5)
������� 6.3���� Insulation resistance (see 7.3)
������� 6.4���� Capacitance
������� 6.5���� Transverse voltage
������� 6.6���� Life tests (see 7.6 and 7.7)
������� 6.7���� Short-circuit behaviour
�7���� Test methods
������� 7.1���� d.c. spark-over voltage
������� 7.2���� Impulse spark-over voltage
������� 7.3���� Insulation resistance
������� 7.4���� Capacitance
������� 7.5���� Holdover test
������� 7.6���� Impulse life � All types of gas discharge tube (see 6.6)
������� 7.7���� a.c. life � All types of tube (see 6.6)
������� 7.8���� Short-circuit test
������� 7.9���� Impulse transverse voltage for 3-electrode gas discharge tubes
�8���� Radiation
�9���� Environmental tests
������� 9.1���� Robustness of terminations
������� 9.2���� Solderability
������� 9.3���� Resistance to soldering heat
������� 9.4���� Vibration
������� 9.5���� Damp heat cyclic
������� 9.6���� Sealing
������� 9.7���� Low temperature
10���� Identification
������ 10.1���� Marking
������ 10.2��� �Documentation
11���� Ordering information
Annex A � Electrical characteristics of GDT
Annex B � Test circuit for GDT used in ISDN circuits