1     Scope 
        1.1     Relationship between IPCablecom 2.0 and 3GPP IMS  
        1.2     Scope of the present Recommendation   
2     References
3     Definitions, abbreviations symbols and conventions     
        3.1     Definitions           
        3.2     Abbreviations       
        3.3     Symbols
        3.4     Conventions         
4     Generic Bootstrapping Architecture      
        4.1     Reference model  
        4.2     Network elements
        4.3     Bootstrapping architecture and reference points 
        4.4     Requirements and principles for bootstrapping   
        4.5     Procedures           
5     UICC-based enhancements to Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA_U)           
6     HTTP Digest Over TLS enhancements to Generic Bootstrapping Architecture (GBA_H)      
        6.1     Bootstrapping procedure 
        6.2     Procedures using bootstrapped Security Association      
Annex A � Void     
Annex B (normative) � Specification of the key derivation function KDF     
        B.2     Generic key derivation function 
        B.3     NAF specific key derivation in GBA, and GBA_U, and GBA_H        
Annex C (informative) � Void     
Annex D (informative) � Dialog example for user selection of UICC application used in GBA     
Annex E (normative) � TLS profile for securing Zn' reference point     
Annex F (informative) � Handling of TLS certificates     
Annex G (normative) � GBA_U UICC-ME interface     
Annex H (normative) � Ua security protocol identifier