
This Recommendation defines APIs, semantic guarantees and system aspects of platform behaviour for harmonized procedural content formats for interactive TV applications.

Since this Recommendation was approved in 2003, several procedural content formats for interactive TV applications developed by other standardization bodies have been updated or newly developed. Updated specifications include: DVB-GEM, DVB-MHP 1.0 and 1.1, OCAP-1.0, and ARIB STD‑B23. Also ATSC has now developed ACAP.

This Recommendation has been revised to include the updated and newly developed procedural content formats. Harmonization is based on GEM 1.0.1 which has been developed with contributions from DVB, SCTE, ARIB and ATSC. Therefore, the only normative references in this Recommendation are GEM 1.0.1 and ITU-T Rec. J.200 describing the overall architecture. The other specifications listed above are included for information as well as the appendices which describe the additional APIs specific to these specifications and are therefore not included in the harmonized normative part.