Recommendation ITU-T J.1303 (01/2022) Specification of a cloud-based converged media service to support Internet protocol and broadcast cable television – System specification on collaboration between production media cloud and cable service cloud
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 System architecture
7 Edge cloud
     7.1 Infrastructure layer
     7.2 Platform layer
     7.3 Application layer
     7.4 Security requirements
8 Central cloud
9 Service operation server
     9.1 Required functions
          9.1.1 Event management
          9.1.2 Session management
          9.1.3 Authentication and authorization
          9.1.4 Media format adaption
          9.1.5 Media protocol adaption
          9.1.6 Streaming push
          9.1.7 On-self management
     9.2 Optional functions
          9.2.1 Audit
          9.2.2 Data analysis
Appendix I  The examples of cloud streaming service procedures
     I.1 Introduction
     I.2 Process