Recommendation ITU-T J.1302 (06/2021) Specification of a cloud-based converged media service to support Internet protocol and broadcast cable television - System architecture
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 High-level system architecture
7 Infrastructure layer
8 Ability layer
     8.1 Media processing capability
     8.2 Identity and policy capability
     8.3 Advertisement and metadata capability
     8.4 Content distribution capability
     8.5 Security capability
     8.6 Data analysis capability
     8.7 Data driven application and artificial intelligence (AI) capability
     8.8 Billing and payment capability
9 Abstraction layer
     9.1 Abstraction model
     9.2 Traffic management
     9.3 Authentication and authorization
     9.4 Throttling
     9.5 Monitoring
10 Application layer
     10.1 User interface
     10.2 Service encapsulation and aggregation
     10.3 Playback applications
          10.3.1 Linear and time-shifting service
          10.3.2 Cloud DVR service
          10.3.3 VOD service
          10.3.4 Advertisement service
     10.4 Information applications
          10.4.1 UI/UX API service
          10.4.2 Analytics service
          10.4.3 Data application services
     10.5 Management applications
          10.5.1 Identity management service
          10.5.2 Policy management service
          10.5.3 Offer management service
          10.5.4 Billing and payment management
          10.5.5 Secure session management
          10.5.6 Security service
11 Management tools
     11.1 Microservice orchestration
     11.2 Service discovery
     11.3 Lifecycle management
     11.4 Problem management
     11.5 Dark launch
     11.6 Log analytics