1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� Definitions
�5���� ITU‑T I.732 Annex D formal model
������� 5.1���� Symbols and diagrammatic conventions
������� 5.2���� Functional modelling rationale
�6���� Overview of equipment functions
������� 6.1���� Transfer functions
������� 6.2���� Layer Management functions
������� 6.3���� ATM Equipment Management Function (AEMF)
������� 6.4���� Message Communications Function
������� 6.5���� Coordination function
�� �����6.6���� Connection Admission Control (CAC) function
������� 6.7���� Signalling Application
������� 6.8���� Timing function
������� 6.9���� Interworking functions
�7���� Connection types and characteristics
������� 7.1���� Connection types
����������� ������7.1.1���� Point-to-point connections
����������������� 7.1.2���� Point-to-multipoint connections
����������������� 7.1.3���� Multipoint-to-point connections
����������������� 7.1.4���� Multipoint-to-multipoint connections
����������������� 7.1.5���� OAM aspects of multipoint connections
������� 7.2���� Methods of establishing connections
����������������� 7.2.1���� Permanent Virtual Connections (PVC)
����������������� 7.2.2���� Switched virtual connections
������� 7.3���� Transfer Capabilities
�8���� OAM functions
������� 8.1���� OAM naming conventions for ATM
������� 8.2���� OAM procedures
����������������� 8.2.1���� AIS application
����������������� 8.2.2���� RDI application
����������������� 8.2.3���� CC application
����������������� 8.2.4���� LB application
����������������� 8.2.5���� Performance Management application
�9���� Protection switching and restoration
������� 9.1���� Trail VP and VC individual protection (1+1/1:1 trail)
������� 9.2���� Segment VP and VC individual protection (1+1/1:1 SNC/S)
������� 9.3���� Subnetwork VP and VC individual protection (1+1 SNC/N)
������� 9.4���� Trail VP and VC group protection (1+1/1:1 trail/T)
������� 9.5���� Subnetwork VP and VC group protection (1+1/1:1 SNC/T)
10���� Traffic measurement functions
������ 10.1���� Traffic information collection
���������������� 10.1.1���� TP usage measurement
���������������� 10.1.2���� ATM cell level procedure performance information collection
���������������� 10.1.3���� VP and VC traffic load information collection
����� �����������10.1.4���� VP and VC UPC/NPC information collection
���������������� 10.1.5���� Call level information collection
11���� Generic performance requirements
������ 11.1���� Quality of Service aspects
������ 11.2���� ATM Network Element performance objectives
���������������� 11.2.1���� Cell loss objectives, cell transfer objectives and CDV objectives
���������������� 11.2.2���� Semi-permanent connection availability
���������������� 11.2.3���� Call processing performance
12���� Timing and synchronization requirements
������ 12.1���� User plane related timing
���������������� 12.1.1���� Timing accuracy
���������������� 12.1.2���� Equipment timing source
���������������� 12.1.3���� Timing of the TP layers
������ 12.2��� �Management of plane related timing
13���� Availability and reliability
������ 13.1���� Availability objectives
������ 13.2���� Data integrity
������ 13.3���� Upgrade
���������������� 13.3.1���� Hardware upgrade
���������������� 13.3.2���� Software upgrade
������ 13.4���� Start-up requirements
Appendix I - ATM layer cell transfer performance
Appendix II - Bibliography

This Recommendation gives an overview of the functions of ATM equipment, examples of overall characteristics and objectives for ATM network elements.
The general characteristics of ATM equipment may be described by using the functional partitioning of the network element into logical functions linked by internal communications between the functions. A general methodology which may be used to clarify the different types of ATM equipment is also contained in ITU‑T I.732.
The grouping of functional functions in accordance with the B-ISDN Protocol Reference Model and the detailed modelling methodology of ITU‑T I.326 enables the description of any ATM equipment to the required level of detail.