�1���� Introdution
�2���� Scope
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� Definitions
������� 4.1���� Definitions related to services and network capabilities
������� 4.2���� Definitions related to general ISDN interworking configurations
�5���� Telecommunication services to be supported by ISDN interworking configurations
�6���� ISDN interworking configurations
������� 6.1���� Reference points for network interconnections
������� 6.2���� ISDN-to-ISDN interconnection
������� 6.3���� Interworking between ISDNs and other networks
������� 6.4���� ISDN internal interworking
������� 6.5���� Network concatenation configurations
�7���� Interworking functional requirements � General aspects
������� 7.1���� Categories of interworking functions
������� 7.2���� Mapping principles
������� 7.3���� Guidelines on the description of mapping functions
������� 7.4���� Functional requirements for lower layer service interworking
������� 7.5���� Functional requirements for higher layer service interworking
�8���� General aspects of selection mechanisms for interworking functions