�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�4���� Introduction
�5���� General aspects of performance
description for AAL processes
������� 5.1���� General considerations for internal
reference event definitions for all AAL types
������� 5.2���� Internal reference events for AAL
Type 1
����������������� 5.2.1���� Unstructured circuit emulation applications
����������������� 5.2.2���� Structured circuit emulation applications
� ������5.3���� Internal Reference Events for AAL Type 2
����������������� 5.3.1���� Applications where the service specific convergence sublayer is null
����������������� 5.3.2���� Applications where the service specific convergence sublayer is not
�� �����5.4���� Internal Reference Events for AAL Type 3/4
������� 5.5���� Internal Reference Events for AAL
Type 5
�6���� AAL PDU transfer outcomes
������� 6.1���� PDU transfer outcomes for AAL Type
����������������� 6.1.1���� Unstructured circuit emulation applications
����������������� 6.1.2���� Structured circuit emulation applications
������� 6.2���� PDU transfer outcomes for AAL Type
����������������� 6.2.1���� Applications where the service specific convergence sublayer is null
����������������� 6.2.2���� Applications where the service specific convergence sublayer is not
������� 6.3���� PDU transfer outcomes for AAL Type
������� 6.4���� PDU transfer outcomes for AAL Type
�7���� AAL performance parameters
������� 7.1���� Performance parameters for AAL
Type 1
����������������� 7.1.1���� Circuit emulation applications
������� 7.2���� Performance parameters for AAL
Type 2
����������������� 7.2.1���� Applications where the service specific convergence sublayer is null
����������������� 7.2.2�� ��Applications where the service
specific convergence sublayer is not null
������� 7.3���� Performance parameters for AAL
Type 3/4
������� 7.4���� Performance parameters for AAL
Type 5
����������������� 7.4.1���� Information loss parameter for AAL Type 5
7.4.2���� Information delay parameter for AAL Type 5
�8���� AAL performance objectives
�9���� Allocation of the performance