�2���� References
�3���� Terms and definitions
������� 3.1���� Definitions
������� 3.2���� Abbreviations and acronyms
�4���� Network capabilities for the
registration of parameters related to charging
������� 4.1���� Registration triggers
������� 4.2���� Parameters to be registered
����������������� 4.2.1���� Capabilities for registration at connection establishment
����������������� 4.2.2���� Capabilities for registration at unsuccessful connection set-up attempt
����������������� 4.2.3���� Capabilities for registration of in-call modifications to the
connection parameters
����������������� 4.2.4���� Capabilities for registration at unsuccessful connection modification
����������������� 4.2.5���� Capabilities for registration during the connection until its release
����������������� 4.2.6���� Capabilities for registration at connection release
������� 4.3���� Acceptable registration delay
�5���� Network capabilities for the
communication of information related to charging
������� 5.1���� Reference configuration for
communication of information
������� 5.2���� Connection Detail Records for
communicating information to support charging and accounting
������� 5.3���� Communication between the network
and an external system