�0���� Scope
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Terms and definitions (provisional)
�3���� Objectives of UPT service
�4���� Functional requirements
�5���� Functional architecture
������� 5.1���� UPT functional grouping
����������������� 5.1.1���� General����
����������������� 5.1.2���� UPT specific functionalities
������� 5.2���� UPT call reference model
������� 5.3���� Interactions among UPT capabilities
������� 5.4���� Relationship between personal mobility management and terminal mobility management
������� 5.5���� Relationship to the intelligent network
�6���� Network capabilities
������� 6.1���� Generic capabilities
������� 6.2���� Specific network capabilities
������� 6.3���� Network capabilities for services interaction
Appendix I� �� Definition of UPT terms and list of abbreviations and acronyms
Appendix II� �� Additional UPT Call Flow examples
Appendix III� �� Some multi-network scenarios for UPT
����� III.1���� Scenario 1 � Call handling within PSTN
� ����III.2���� Scenario 2 � Call handling within ISDN
����� III.3���� Scenario 3 � Call handling across multiple networks