�1���� Scope
�2���� References
�3���� Abbreviations
�4���� High level description of ATM transfer capabilities (to complete 5.5.2/I.371)
�5���� Conformance for ABT/DT
������� 5.1���� General principles of conformance definition for ABT/DT
������ �5.2���� Conformance of RM cells
����������������� 5.2.1���� Conformance of user-generated RM cells
����������������� 5.2.2���� Conformance of network-generated RM cells
������� 5.3���� Dynamic GCRA for ABT/DT (to complete
������� 5.4���� ATM block conformance for ABT/DT
�6���� Conformance for ABT/IT
������� 6.1���� Cell conformance for ABT/IT
������� 6.2���� ATM block conformance for ABT/IT
�7���� Conformance for ABR (to complete
������� 7.1���� Definitions of ABR delays used in the conformance definition
������� 7.2���� Requirements on the ABR conformance definition
������� 7.3���� ABR conformance algorithm
����������������� 7.3.1���� Dynamic Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (DGCRA) for ABR
����������������� 7.3.2���� Algorithm for determination of T(k) in explicit mode
Annex A � Avoidance of multiple outstanding BCR negotiations
Appendix I � Examples of methods ensuring unicity of RM cell numbering in ABT
������� I.1���� Segmentation of the SN field between different networks
�� �����I.2���� Proprietary handling of SN field
������� I.3���� Segmentation of the SN field for indicating relative location of RM cell
Appendix II � Derivation of conformance definition parameters for ABT
Appendix III � Source, destination, and network element reference behaviours for ABR
����� III.1���� Source reference behaviour
����� III.2���� Destination reference behaviour
����� III.3���� Network element reference behaviour