�1���� General
�2���� Scope of IN global functional plane architecture
�3���� References
�4���� Global functional plane modelling
�5���� Service independent building blocks
������� 5.1���� Definition of a SIB
������� 5.2���� Characteristics of a SIB
������� 5.3���� Data parameters for SIBs
������� 5.4���� Method to describe SIBs
������� 5.5���� Flowchart analysis
������� 5.6���� Interaction management
����������������� 5.6.1���� Interaction between SIBs
�6���� Basic call process
������� 6.1���� General
������� 6.2���� Basic call process functionality
�7���� Global service logic
������� 7.1���� General
Annex A � Alphabetical list of abbreviations used in this Recommendation